Is Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff too cozy with Mexico?
Does this have anything to do with his apparent immigration views?
While his goals in the two documents available at his website (that are linked below) are laudable, does his working relationship with the Attorney General's office of the Mexican State of Baja California influence his views on immigration and his enthusiasm for the new Utah immigration amnesty package?
Are there other links between AG Shurtleff and Mexico?
I do not know if the "Agreement of Understanding" that is linked below was talked about much in the news when it first came out.
It seems reasonable to assume, however, that creating an agreement with a Mexican state indicates a working relationship that would interfere with an objective view on illegal immigration.
Fighting crime is a good goal, especially the types of crimes talked about in the agreement.
But the question that must be asked is: has AG Shurtleff moved outside of the range of his specific duties as our Attorney General and, if so, why?
The press release for the "Agreement of Understanding" is available at:
The agreement itself is available at:
It looks to me like Mark Shurtleff is assisting, whether he is cognizant of it or not, the political agenda of those who are seeking to diminish our borders and sovereignty - not those who seek to preserve them.
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